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Party Safe

Socialising can be a major part of Christmas and New Year Festivities

 Keep these simple steps in mind while having fun:

  • Plan your night out before you go out, including how to get home.
  • Stick with friends and avoid leaving parties or nights out with strangers.
  • Be sensible about how much alcohol you drink - a drunk person is much more vulnerable and an easier target for criminals.
  • If you leave a drink unattended then don't go back to it.
  • If you feel very drunk or unwell, ask a trusted friend or a member of the club or pub management for help.
  • Look after bags and valuables. Don't attract attention to a phone, especially if you're under the influence of alcohol.
  • Keep enough money to pay for your journey home.
  • Stay alert at cash machines. Hide your PIN, be aware of who's behind you and don't flash your cash. Avoid using them if you've had too much to drink.
  • Always call and book a taxi from a licensed private hire / taxi firm and make sure the vehicle pulling up is definitely your hire before you get into it.
  • Where possible, avoid travelling alone.
  • If walking home, keep to well-lit, busy areas and never take isolated shortcuts.
  • Walk facing traffic so a car cannot pull up behind you.
  • Personal attack alarms are good but don't carry weapons or pepper sprays as this is illegal in Scotland.
  • Have keys ready when you're approaching the car or your accommodation.
  • Don't drive under the influence of drink or drugs.

Remember - Enjoy your night out safely

Stay with friends

Always charge your mobile phone

Find a licensed taxi at a designated taxi rank

Enjoy yourself responsibly - pace yourself

Look after one another

You can learn more at (opens new window)

Substance Abuse

Using illegal drugs has serious repercussions. Don't risk your health and even your life. And why jeopardise your future career opportunities with a drug conviction? It doesn't matter which drug or how little.

Don't take New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), which are sometimes misleadingly known as 'legal highs'. They can contain harmful and toxic chemicals and have been linked to many deaths. You don't know what you're getting or what effect it will have on you. Some have been found to contain controlled drugs, meaning you could be charged with drug possession even when you thought it was legal.

Find out more at (opens new window) or (opens new window).

Don't risk your life!

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