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School Events

Information on school events. Please click on the link below for the full school calendar. Here are some upcoming dates for your diary too....


PSC Parent and Pupil Meeting- 6:30pm

31/11Halloween Parade and Howden Bake-Off
1/11All Saints Day Mass at Church
8/11P7B Assembly and Showcase 
11/11P6 and P7 to Cinema
12/11P3 to Cinema
14/11      P4 and P5 to Cinema
15/11P7A Assembly 
15/11PSC  Shopping Event
22/11Junior Area Coffee Morning
25/11Movie Night- P1-P4
30/11St Andrew's Day Mass at Church
2/12Movie Night- P5-P7
4/12Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day
6/12Christmas Fayre and Jumper Day
11/12P4-P7 Panto 
12/12P1-P3 Panto
12/12P1 Nativity at Church- 2pm
18/12Christmas Parties
20/12Last Day of Term


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